FlashDen - Ultimate Creative Template – Automatic XML XML (PHP)
This template is designed from the ground up to be easy to update, customize and understand. Each section has its own external XML config file so you can access well over 200 options without opening Flash. Even better this file uses php to automatically generate the XML. To update the file, you just have to upload your images/MP3`s, that`s it.
- Automatically generated xml from folders
- An amazing amount of configuration options via xml
- Fully feature news page
- Gapless mp3 player with cookie to remember volume
- 3 great mp3 loops from Trix-Music which load randomly (if you want)
- Super smooth gallery system – unlimited galleries and pictures
- Clean code, section help file and LOTS of comments
- Php contact form with as you type validation
- Smooth xml css scrollbar
- Intelligent automatic xml writing: put mainThumb_ infront of a filename to have that image used in the main menu. Have gallery titles with spaces by using underscore.
- Automatically generated xml from folders
- An amazing amount of configuration options via xml
- Fully feature news page
- Gapless mp3 player with cookie to remember volume
- 3 great mp3 loops from Trix-Music which load randomly (if you want)
- Super smooth gallery system – unlimited galleries and pictures
- Clean code, section help file and LOTS of comments
- Php contact form with as you type validation
- Smooth xml css scrollbar
- Intelligent automatic xml writing: put mainThumb_ infront of a filename to have that image used in the main menu. Have gallery titles with spaces by using underscore.